What is a Busker License? If you are a street performer or like to entertain in the parks for people, then you are a Busker.

The City of Duluth said in a press release that having street performers adds to the color and life of the city and people remember the good ones. Since there are only certain places allowed to perform and certain performances allowed the license is good at enhancing the flavor of the city of Duluth and doesn't become a nuisance to the people conducting business.

There are quite a few places Buskers may perform and the license is only good from May 1 to October 15, 2022

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Getting a Busker permit allows you to perform in the following places:

  • Lakewalk from the Lakewalk Plaza to the Veterans Memorial.
  • Gichi-ode’ Aking Park
  • Pocket Park is located at 19th Ave. West and Superior Street
  • Minnesota Power Plaza.

Also, new this year, the city will give some performers some exclusive areas and opportunities to perform. From the press release:

Parks and Recreation staff will invite some Buskers to attend various events hosted in park spaces to give them an exclusive opportunity to people who have this particular license. These events will be located at the Beach House Jam, Busker Brunch, and Busker Stroll. Permitted Buskers will be contacted directly for participation in these events.

There are some other rules that are obvious, like performing material that is suitable for the public, having equipment that you can keep out of the way, you can't sell stuff, and you have to keep the permit on you at all times. There are other rules and regulations on the licensing page. There are 40 Busker Permits for the 2022 season if this interests you.

If you are curious and are thinking this is for you, here are a few lessons.

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Phrases Minnesotans Use That Outsiders Might Not Understand

It's safe to say that probably every part of the country has their own slang words, terms, or language that they use that's commonly understood among members of the community. But - if someone from outside of the area were to hear them, they would either not understand them, or they would misinterpret the meaning that the words have in that particular geographic region. It's no different in Minnesota. Minnesotans have some 'vague' terms that might be open to interpretation from others outside of the state, but have very definitive meanings to natives.


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