As one year ends and another begins, the promise of the future leads us to think of what can be. Many of us set resolutions for the new year, others simply have excitement and hopes for what the the future will bring. As we step into 2012, the B105 staff shares their hopes, goals, excitement, and resolutions for the new year!

Ken Hayes

My new years resolution for 2012 is to quit worrying about stupid stuff. This pretty much boils down to relaxing from my neurotic nature which includes, but not limited to:

  • Germs
  • Death
  • Illness
  • Food Poisoning
  • Thermal Nuclear Holocaust
  • Space Junk Falling On My House
  • Experiencing Diarrhea On A Plane
  • Kid Germs
  • Undercooked Chicken
  • Finding Out I Was Adopted
  • Liver Damage
  • My Cat Attacking Me In My Sleep

These are all things I worry about daily and need to stop so I can have a more enjoyable life. That’s what I’m going to try to do. Chill out a little.

Cathy Kates

This will come as a shock to some of you, and it's not easy to admit and will be even harder to quit, but I'm determined. I have been a "closet" smoker for a few years now and have wanted to quit for all those few years. Why haven't I? Fear of failure, I suppose. I don't want to disappoint myself, but would, if I failed.

Instead, I'm looking to you for help. Hope you don't mind. YOU are my incentive. I like to keep people laughing and feeling good about themselves. In an over-used resume' saying, "I'm a people pleaser". I will NOT fail, if you're watching my progress. I won't want to disappoint you. So, that's it, that's my secret plan. With your help, I'll be saving money and getting healthy.

If you've been trying to quit, join me in my quest to succeed, I WILL NOT FAIL!

Chris Allen

This year obviously I need to work on my weight. It's funny, when you are younger you pile all sorts of foods in your piehole and don't think about it. When you get older you have to think about it because it finds a permanant place on your butt!

I would also like to work more on music than I have in the past few years. I have won awards for some of my writing and have let it lapse a bit. Now with Sam being interested in music and JJ discovering some music he likes I need to become more involved in playing it and writing it. So, look for me to do some dates for singing and playing.

I also want to convert old movies, tapes and records to CD and DVD.

David Drew

  • Continue to work at being a great dad for my kids. I think I am doing pretty well right now, but you can always work to be better so I intend to do that.
  • Keep an eye on my diet and keep exercising. It's easy to get into a disciplined groove when training for a half marathon or something like that, but it's not as easy to keep that focus for me when there's no set thing to train for. Do it just for myself? Boring! I will create scenarios, even if I have to make them up..
  • Learn to make my own awesome salsa. I love the stuff and buy all kinds, but this should be the year I unleash "Dave's Chunky Love" -- okay, I'm still working out the name....

Jeanne Ryan

Boy such a tall order to fill, not only for myself, but in thinking about my family and friends as well. 2011, was a very interesting year with many ups and downs, but thankfully more ups. Some things I am looking forward to this year

  • Plenty of warm sunny days at the beach
  • Seeing my family who lives out of state
  • Lot’s of laughs
  • Making more memories with the kids, and watching them continue to bloom into young adulthood….Double Yikes
  • All the adventures ahead with this great crew of people at B105
  • Last but not least, the old standby….get back on the exercise wagon and get in shape


Happy 2012 to all of our listeners and readers from the staff of B105!



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