A bride-to-be whose name hasn't been revealed emailed out a lengthy missive to her ten potential bridesmaids, telling them exactly what would be required of them if they accepted her invitation to be in her wedding party. The demands were so outrageous, causing it to go viral.
Taco Bell Waffle Tacos Are Coming to Make You Fatter
There is just something about fast food that makes people abuse 911. In the past, folks have been arrested after calling emergency services to report problems with their orders at Burger King, McDonald's, Subway and Hardee's.
Worker at Stress Ball Factory Freaks Out, Punches Boss In the Face
One would think a perk of working at a stress ball warehouse is that you always have something to grab if you're feeling overwhelmed and need to channel that energy.
Hackers Make Burger King Twitter Praise McDonald’s
Police in the Cayman Islands are on the look out for a local woman's tooth. They may well find it still stuck in the hand of the man who "stole" it from her.
Being a teenager is a perilous time in one's life as a not-quite fully developed brain will cause the teen to make all kinds of questionable decisions.
Now thanks to a new phenomenon called sleep-texting, the teenager can even make these bad decisions while they are catching z's.
Lay’s Unveils Chicken and Waffle, More Weird Flavors
In the past we've had some fun with the bizarrely-flavored potato chips that pop up overseas -- like the Pepsi and chicken crisps that are all the rage in China.
Restaurant Receipt Includes Discount For Well-Behaved Kids
As every parent knows, it's tough to get little kids to behave in a restaurant. Being in a new environment will excite the youngsters and many of their typically inoffensive meal time antics, such as loud talking, hyperactivity and the occasional food play, become amplified into something less adorable and more annoying when strangers are watching.
Internet Unsurprisingly Chooses Cat For Newest Monopoly Piece
The public has spoken and Monopoly will cast away the boring old iron token, a symbol of domestic housework from a simpler time (it's not even an electric iron), which has been included in the board game for almost 80 years.
In its place will be a cat. Hey, are you really that surprised? The internet loves cats.
Subway Celebrates Jared’s 15 Years of Weight Loss In 2013 Super Bowl Commerical
Subway's 2013 Super Bowl commercial has been 15 years in the making. That's when the restaurant chain's spokesman Jared Fogle began his now-famous "Subway Diet," which consisted of turkey subs and a lot of walking and led to a massive weight loss.
‘The Walking Dead’ Cast Member Norman Reedus Stars In Time Warner’s 2013 Super Bowl Commercial