GuySpeed Editors
Chow Down and Charge Your Phone With KFC’s Watt a Box
You can recharge your battery while you recharge your battery.
We’ve All Felt Like This Guy Who Fell Into a Pool of His Own Pee
This poor fella's decision to urinate in between two cars was met with instant karma.
Drunk Dude Has Serious Issues With Gas Station Door
Watching someone walk into a glass door is always funny. Always.
Mall Easter Bunny With Severe Attitude Brawls With Shoppers
This Easter Bunny was hopping mad.
Grandmas Driving Lamborghini Are Neither Fast Nor Furious
The days of old ladies tooling around in a Buick Skylark while barely able to see above the steering wheel are over.
Girl’s Supremely Loud Fart Leaves Brother Tongue-Tied
Donald Trump wants to make America great again, but this girl is proving we're already the best in the world -- at least when it comes to passing gas.
World’s Dudeliest Guy Sets Record for World’s Loudest Burp
Admit it, you're jealous.
Mini Roller Coaster on Back of Truck Is the Scariest Ride You’ll Never Want to Try
Big roller coasters can be frightening, but it's this wee-size one that will really get your horrified glands pumping.
Woman’s Story About Apartment Fire Is Absolutely…Hilarious?
Flames better not come 'round this woman's way again.
Donut-Stealing Raccoon Is 2015’s Best Pastry Thief
Who among us hasn't secretly (or not so secretly) wished he was left alone at night in a donut shop?
102-Year-Old Loses Something VERY Important While Celebrating Birthday
You only turn 102 once (if you're lucky), so this woman decided to mark the occasion in style.
Wild Ridin’ Dude Drives Motorcycle With a Chariot
We've made serious advancements in motorized transportation over the years, but it looks like we may be going back to our roots.