Dave Thomas is a native of Western North Carolina, as if the accent didn't give it away. He has been avoiding a real job, meaning he has been in radio for 35 years. Dave got his start when he was 17. Dave's favorite bands are The Eagles, Def Leppard and Bon Jovi, but his musical taste is all over the board, which may have contributed to the length of his career.
Dave Thomas
New Report Reminds Minnesotans About Dangers of Distracted Driving
The Minnesota State Patrol has released some data that proves their point that distracted driving is too dangerous to do.
Scams That You Should Be Aware of for 2025
Scammers will be working overtime in 2025, here are 5 areas they will try to exploit
How Many Companies Still Give Christmas Bonuses?
Tis the season for Christmas shopping, are companies still offering Christmas bonuses to their employees?
Do Minnesotan’s Know The Main Difference’s in -2 and -20?
When it get's so cold, is there a major difference in negative temperatures? We ask the question of someone who would know.
How Much Would It Cost To Repair The Christmas Vacation House?
A favorite movie this time of year is National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. The house in that movie takes a beating, find out how much it would cost to repair the home.
How Long Should Minnesotans Let Their Vehicles Warm Up?
With the cold weather setting in on us, sliding into a warm vehicle is the hope, so how long does your car need to run before you drive off in it?
How Popular is Golf in Minnesota?
One golf retailer conducted a study on how popular golf was in each state from their online searches about the sport, find out where Minnesota came finished in the final tally.
Things Minnesotans Should Not Tell Artificial Intelligence
We all are doing so much online, we need to know things not to disclose to artificial intelligence.
Minnesota Off-Road Vehicle Owners Need to See These Recalls
Polaris has two different recalls on models of their off road vehicles.
How Worried Should Minnesotan’s Be About Fraud?
We all have to be on guard with our personal information, this study shows how easy it is to be taken advantage of in Minnesota.
Have You Gotten Your Vehicle Ready for the Minnesota Winter?
If you travel roads in Minnesota during the winter, here are some important tips that could help keep you safe and maybe even allow you to help someone else.
Are You Eating These Foods That Could Impact Your Sleep?
If you're having trouble sleeping, the remedy could be as simple as avoiding certain foods or drinks before you got to bed.