Professional writer for,,,,, and innumerable other sites. He writes the Internet, basically.
Dan Seitz
10 Awesomely Spooky Amateur Haunted Houses [VIDEOS]
Halloween is coming up, and we all know what that means: Christmas stuff starts showing up in stores any minute now. Also, on Halloween weekend, we'll be going to lots of haunted houses, haunted garages, haunted mazes, haunted cul-de-sacs and haunted, well, anything you can stick a light-up ghost on...
Soon Your Smartphone Will Know Your Mood
Imagine a world where your smartphone can realize that you're angry or sad, and react accordingly. Thanks to the University of Rochester, it's not as far away as you might think.
Naked Man Rides London Statue For Three Hours
As Randy Newman warned us years ago, you should beware of the naked man. In London, they should beware of THIS naked man, who decided to ride a statue in the London chill.
Obama and Mckayla Maroney Are Very Disappointed In… Something
President Obama met with the 2012 United States Olympic Gymnastics Team and... well... you can see what happened for yourself.
Is YouTube Making Us… Smarter?
Anybody who's been to YouTube quickly becomes cynical about the future of the human race, particularly when you read the comments to... well... any video. But this PBS video argues that YouTube actually makes you smarter by lowering barriers to learning about literally any topic. And we have to admit, they've got a point. There are all sorts of educational videos on YouTube. Of course, there are a
Frustrated Driver Thinks Deer Should Be Told To Cross In Low-Traffic Areas
We feel really bad for Donna, the woman in this clip, because she seems an exceptionally nice lady. She's well-spoken and polite, just... hazy on a few concept. Donna called into a North Dakota morning show because she couldn't get anybody to pay attention to her problem. Which essentially boils down to misunderstanding who a specific sign is aimed at.