Damon Houx

‘A Christmas Story 2′ Trailer Suggests the World has Been Naughty
Jean Shepard’s book ‘In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash’ inspired the 1983 film ‘A Christmas Story.’ The film did well upon release, but in the intervening years it’s become a holiday classic. So much so that it inspired a sequel in 1994 (‘It Runs in the Family’), and now the “official” sequel ‘A Christmas Story 2.’

Michael Clarke Duncan Dead at 54
Michael Clarke Duncan, with his inimitable voice and stature, has passed away from a heart attack at age 54, according to his fiancee.

Eddie Murphy and Shawn Ryan May Take ‘Beverly Hills Cop’ to TV
If you were a child of the 1980′s, chances are that you love Eddie Murphy. You can probably recite much of his stand up from his special ‘Delirious’ (“Lemonade… that cool refreshing drink”) or bits from ‘Trading Places’ or ‘Beverly Hills Cop’ by heart. And though Eddie Murphy has spent much of the last two decades disappointing fans on the big screen, it looks like he may be taking his biggest fra