It's hard to believe it has been 10 years already.  While we said then we would never forget the full impact of that day, it's nice to see the follow through.

The Northland Heroes Tribute Committee and the city of Duluth will mark the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks with a call to stand together peacefully despite our differences and to reject violence, hate and divisiveness.

“This is a time to promote healing; to have a dialog of different cultures and diversities and acceptance of everyone in our community,” said committee member Verne Wagner.

This is the committee’s third annual observance of the al-Qaeda terrorist attacks that took nearly 3,000 lives. The event commemorates the victims of the attacks, as well as honoring members of the military, police, firefighters, EMTs, Community Watch volunteers and others who protect the community.

Past observances included activities such as a run/walk, softball tournament and a ceremony at Wade Stadium. This year’s event is limited to an hourlong observance at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center.

“This being the 10th anniversary, we wanted to do something different,”

Wagner said.

Discussions with Mayor Don Ness led to the idea of promoting healing and understanding by having speakers from different cultural and faith groups.

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