I don't usually make it a habit to watch football but this year I am turning a new leaf. I joined a fantasy football team and did indeed watch the big game between the Vikings and Packers Sunday.

While most of the game confused me, what I do know is that kicker Daniel Carlson could have won the Vikes the heated game in overtime if he hadn't missed the field goal. (He WAS the kicker on my fantasy team, by the way.)

As sad as everyone is over the Vikings loss, no one is likely as sad as Carlson today. The second the game was over, the rookie started getting bashed on social media. Many started taking bets on when he would be cut from the team (including our very own Chris Allen.)

One angry Vikings fan took things one step further and posted a Craiglist ad looking for a new kicker.

The ad can be found under the "community" and "volunteer" sections. It is titled "Vikings Kicker - US Bank Stadium." Ouch.

The inquiry - while savage - is hilarious. It reads,

Serious inquiries only.

Looking for a motivated NFL kicker. Must possess ability to kick a football, kickball, or soccer ball, or simply move leg quickly in a forward motion. If you can perform any of these we offer on the job training for kicking field goals specifically. Ideal candidates are motivated, team oriented, and love purple and gold. Candidates who are mildly athletic and have power point skills are held in higher regard than those without. At this point in time the position is volunteer only, however there is very high probability it will progress to a full time paid position with benefits. If interested please contact HR at:


Thank you for your time, we look forward to hearing from you.

My favorite part: "or simply move leg quickly in a forward motion." Ha!

While the loss is no laughing matter, this certainly helped ease the pain, if only for a minute.

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